Iwamasa, G., Hsia, C., Hinton, D. (2017 second edition). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Asian Americans and Asian populations. In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Diverse Populations (Iwamasa, Ed.). American Psychological Association Press.
Hinton, D., Park, L., Hsia, C., Hofmann, S., Pollack, M. Anxiety disorder presentation in Asian populations: A review. In CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 2009 15(3), 207-303.
Hinton, D., Hsia, C, Park, L., & Pollack, M. (2008). Cultural Anthropology and the Anxiety Diagnoses. In Current Perspectives on the Anxiety Disorders: Implications for DSM-V and Beyond (Abramowitz, J, Asmundson, G & McKay, D, Eds.). Springer Press.
Hinton, D., Hinton, L., Tran, M., Nguyen, L., Hsia, C., Pollack, M. (2007). Orthostatic panic attacks among Vietnamese refugees. Transcultural Psychology, 44(4), 515-544
Hinton, D., Hinton, L., Tran, M., Nguyen, L., Hsia, C., Pollack, M. (2006). Orthostatically induced panic attacks among Vietnamese refugees: Associated flashbacks, and catastrophic cognitions. Depression and Anxiety, 22, 1-3.
Hinton, D. Hsia, C., Um, K., & Otto, M. (2003). Anger associated panic attacks in Cambodian refugees with PTSD; a multiple baseline examination of clinical data. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 41, 647-654
For his complete curriculum vitae, please visit Dr. Hsia’s LinkedIn profile