We’re happy to accommodate you and your family to ensure that your experience is as positive – and importantly – effective as possible.  We offer several treatment options for you:

  • Weekly sessions: this is the most commonly used approach, both in our center and by therapists nationwide.  Typically 45-50 minutes in length, each of our sessions are a combination of teaching new concepts, practicing new skillsets and assigning of homework. Parents are involved in treatment when we work with children.
  • Multiple sessions per week: very often we work with individuals multiple days a week (most often 2-3 times a week) when the severity of problem is significantly interfering with a person’s ability to function (e.g., unable to attend school or impacting a person’s ability at work).
  • P-IOP: Our Personalized Intensive Outpatient Program utilizes multiple clinicians to work with one individual on a daily basis, for multiple sessions per day.  This is more akin to a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) in its intensity, combining a highly programmed and focused treatment approach into a short timeframe. This is often used for individuals with very severe interference in a person’s life (e.g., unable to leave one’s home), as a step down from a hospital setting or a limited amount of time (e.g., coming from out of state).

Our treatments can be online, in person of a hybrid of both. We can also move from one treatment option to another as required, while also offering follow-up and booster sessions as needed. If you have any questions about your options with us, please feel free to contact us at info@ocanxietycenter.com.