Cognitive Behavioral Therapists:  what to look for in a competent therapist

Looking for a provider on websites like “Psychology Today” can be daunting:  the different types of degrees, specialties and vast number of therapists can be overwhelming. Recently, the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a treatment modality has become more prevalent on television, in magazines and when viewing online resources.  While this is good,…

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School Anxiety: what’s normal?

As our children head back to school, there’s a range of emotions for both the children and us as parents. While we expect some feelings of nervousness, uncertainty and fear, the question we often hear is “what’s normal?”. Approximately 40% of our patient load is pediatric: we have children entering elementary school in Newport Beach…

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The Basics of School Refusal

Getting through school refusal

With the beginning of a new school year, the OC Anxiety Center has seen more children with school refusal come in through our doors. “School refusal” is a general term with a myriad of causes. Is it a fear of embarrassing oneself in front of others, a dislike of academics, a bully at school, or panic disorder? These are just a few possible causes for …

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