One of OC Anxiety Center’s core tenants is to inform other providers and the general public about Anxiety and OC Disorders, and how they are treated. Very often OCAC team members engage in outreach services. In addition to professional conferences, OCAC has had booths at the National Alliance of Mental Health walkathons and health and wellness fairs (most recently at Oakley Headquarters). OCAC also has hosted workshops for those interested in learning more about OCD (most recently Eye Cue Mental Health of Cerritos), went to The Center for Individual and Family Therapy) this month to inform their staff about diagnosis and treatment of Obsessive Compulsive and Anxiety Disorders.

Additionally, OCAC team members have been to local schools such as Santa Margarita Catholic High School and Capistrano Valley Christian School to help faculty, parents and students better understand mental health. Finally, OCAC often goes to churches including Mariner’s and Saddleback to educate people about mental health issues and how it intersects with Christianity.

If your organization is interested in learning about how to have a OCAC clinician come to you for an informative educational session, please feel free to contact OCAC at