We’re excited to announce two new groups forming at the OC Anxiety Center.  We’re created these groups for three primary reasons:

  • Decrease the wait list time to treatment time from two weeks to immediate service.
  • Be able to serve individuals who may not be able to afford individual services
  • Utilize a group format for those who would like to interact with those who have similar issues.

These groups will fall into two categories:

These groups will be co-led by both Drs. Hsia and Davis: both have significant experience running these groups and are eager to start group treatment at OCAC.

Conceptually, the groups will be 12 weekly, 90-minute sessions in the evening.  The format is similar to individual sessions, but broadened to cover a range of similar disorders.  Group size will be limited to eight individuals per group.  Please call Dr. Hsia directly at 949-689-5892 for more information.


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