Man worrying

Very often during my first interaction with potential patients on the phone, I’ll hear them say something like “I’m sure you’ve never heard this one before” or “I’m really embarrassed, but I’m really scared of…”

I can understand the embarrassment and shame of different fears and worries, especially with OCD.  However, after years of clinical practice and research, while there are often variations on themes, it has been a while since I’ve come across something completely new.  People are surprised when I can tell them that I’ve seen other individuals with similar issues, and relieved when I can predict their behaviors based just on what they tell me their fear is.  

Here’s a partial list of common ‘uncommon’ fears we deal with on a regular basis:

OCD fears:

  1. Religious (offending/hating God, worshiping Satan)
  2. Harm to others (running people over, stabbing, poisoning)
  3. Checking (doors, windows, exams, homework, clothing, food)
  4. Symmetry (hair, clothes, room)
  5. Sexual (incest, pedophilia, bestiality)
  6. Contamination (STDs, germs, semen, vaginal fluids, lead, asbestos, dirt)
  7. Scrupulosity (cheating on a test, cheating on a spouse, lying, stealing)


  1. Vomit
  2. Flying
  3. Choking/swallowing
  4. Needles/blood draws/injections/dental/medical procedures
  5. Clowns/monsters/dark
  6. Animals:  dogs, cats, birds, spiders, insects
  7. Heights
  8. Thunderstorms
  9. Driving

Panic disorder related fears:

  1. Passing out/feinting
  2. Heart attack
  3. Going crazy
  4. Doing something uncontrolled
  5. Dying

This is a partial list of issues we’ve seen this year, let alone in previous years and doesn’t include other disorders we treat such as body dysmorphic disorder, trichotillomania, excoriation, Generalized Anxiety Disorder or PTSD.

We’re always happy to talk to people to see if we’re a good fit for their needs. And don’t worry: it’s unlikely your fears are unlikely to be something we haven’t heard of, or treated before.