“Isn’t going to a psychologist a sign of lack of faith in God?” As we noted last week, there are parallels to this that don’t make sense: Isn’t going to a medical doctor a sign of lack of faith in God? Isn’t going to a personal trainer to lose weight a sign of lack of…
Read MoreReligion and psychology have had an interesting history, often marked with contempt, misunderstandings and misinformation from both sides. In the next few blogs, we hope to address some of these issues. While we are not expressed experts in religions, will consult with pastors (e.g., current leaders of churches who have at least a Master’s degree)…
Read MoreIt would be horrible if my parents died. What if this time I really do lose control the car? I worry that I worry this much. These statements are common cognitions for those who suffer from an anxiety disorder. Individuals will spend time agonizing over catastrophic outcomes of events: imagining how life would be without…
Read MoreIn much of our modern lives, we find it acceptable to move away from situations that make us uncomfortable, and move towards ones that we enjoy. While this fits for many situations (leaving an unfulfilling job for one that I enjoy), it can also be counterproductive. When our lives are dictated by the concept of…
Read MoreThe OC Anxiety Center is currently looking to hire a psychology assistant or psychologist to work with children through adults in the area of anxiety and related disorders. Areas of responsibility include treatment of anxiety, OCD, and impulse control disorders using CBT and ACT as primary modalities, with an emphasis on ERP. Exposures can include…
Read MoreLast week I was in Washington DC for the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) annual conference. The conference attendance was one of the highest in recent years, and it was a good opportunity to see what new research and clinical skills have been developed. Here’s a few of the things I learned this…
Read MoreEverything is great! So why am I worried and depressed? “Objectively I know my life is good, but why do I always find something to complain about?” “I finally got the promotion at work, so why am I feeling anxious about…
Read MoreWe’re excited to announce two new groups forming at the OC Anxiety Center. We’re created these groups for three primary reasons: Decrease the wait list time to treatment time from two weeks to immediate service. Be able…
Read MoreMy five year-old is in a phase of being afraid of monsters in his room (conveniently only when he has to put away his laundry, but that’s another matter). He wants his mom or dad to go with him upstairs…
Read MoreNot infrequently we will have people ask us about the efficacy and use of essential oils, exercise and nutrition on anxiety. While these may be all good things in of themselves, their effects are somewhat limited. When we examine the research literature, what we find as being effective include: Cognitive behavioral therapy…
Read MoreVery often in the beginning stages of treatment, we’re asked by a spouse, parent or caretaker, “How do I help without enabling?” Usually this is a good start, because there’s a realization that there’s a difference between the two. Generally speaking, enabling…
Read MoreOftentimes for people who are anxious, when something doesn’t go just the way they intended, the thought that follows is “What did I do wrong?” In personalization, the thoughts are similar: “What did I do to offend that person? …
Read MoreNot infrequently we’re asked about the effects of medication on anxiety. While medication has a place in treatment, it should not be seen as a magic bullet that will erase all anxiety symptomology. In fact, for some issues medication may inhibit…
Read MoreFrequently we find the people we work with at OCAC predict future events negatively without considering other, more likely outcomes. A common phrase we hear is “I just know that this isn’t going to work” – and this even before we begin…
Read MoreIt’s flu season, which means for us it’s also emetophobia season. Typically around this time is when we see an influx of patients who have a fear of vomiting. Often it’s school-aged kids, but not infrequently we have adults with this issue…
Read MoreEvery year around this time my family looks forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, celebrating time with family and friends, the birth of Christ, and the hope associated with the beginning of a new year. While November through January are often…
Read More“I just know he hates me.” “They all think I’m an idiot.” “She’s just doing that because she feels sorry for me, not because we’re friends.” “He using me because he thinks I have money.” When we examine metacognitions, one we…
Read MoreAs we continue thinking about thinking, let’s examine emotional reasoning: “Thinking something must be true because you “feel” (actually believe) it so strongly, ignoring or discounting evidence to the contrary.” This is a common thinking pattern we often see with phobias. For…
Read MoreIn the next few blogs, we’re going to examine a few cognitive approaches that people often utilize but are actually detrimental to their lives. Here’s a few examples of these ways of thinking: “I never do anything right, and even if…
Read MoreI worry so much, I worry about my worrying. It sounds ironic, right? But for those who struggle with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), this is likely a familiar sentiment. GAD is often marked by: • Worrying even when everything is going well • When one ‘crisis’ is over, another appears • Because of the worry,…
Read MoreHow often have others told you “If you truly believe that God is in control, then you don’t need to worry”? How many times have you re-read Matthew 6: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life…”? And after these experiences how often do you feel like a failure by not living up…
Read MoreDr. Hsia will be speaking at the International Obsessive Compulsive Foundation conference in San Francisco this July, 2017. He will be on a panel with several other distinguished clinicians and researchers, discussing how OCD treatments can and need to be adapted to better fit diverse populations. As Dr. Hsia has a significant background in…
Read More1. You’re not actually going to pass out, have a heart attack or go crazy – it just feels that way. The hallmark of panic disorder is strong physical sensations that may feel like one is having a serious physical problem, such as a heart attack. Often, because of these sensations, people avoid places where…
Read MoreThe OC Anxiety Center is primarily known for the treatment of anxiety disorders, and in particular OCD, panic, and specific phobias. While treatment for other anxiety disorders fall well within the realm of OCAC, a number of similarly treated issues are also addressed. Trichotillomania (hair pulling), BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder, the belief that…
Read MoreGetting through school refusal
With the beginning of a new school year, the OC Anxiety Center has seen more children with school refusal come in through our doors. “School refusal” is a general term with a myriad of causes. Is it a fear of embarrassing oneself in front of others, a dislike of academics, a bully at school, or panic disorder? These are just a few possible causes for …
Read MoreA common frustration for many people who have an anxiety disorder is that well-meaning friends, family, and unfortunately even professionals give the advice of “When you get anxious, you just need to relax.” This might be accompanied by suggestions to…
Read MoreThe “new” buzzword in treatment is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), even though it’s been around for decades. Many general providers now list as one of their modalities of treatment as CBT, and when looking for a psychologist a good question is “Are you a cognitive behavioralist?” Note that the question isn’t…
Read MoreWe often hear from our patients, “I’ve seen several psychologists before, but none of them of have been helpful until I started working with the Anxiety Research Center. Why doesn’t everyone do what you are doing?”
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