Data is data. Or is it? As is the case in many things, yes and no. When speaking with a scientist, the term “data” implies objective data. This means that the information is quantified in a manner that is universally agreed upon. For example the unit of a kilogram is not relative and does not change. …
Read MoreThere isn’t. Doctors want you to get better, not get worse. Ideally professionals are looking at the current research to ascertain and utilize the best treatments available for people. There is no quick fix for anxiety and OCD issues There isn’t a secret that will make someone feel calm and relaxed. Think about weight loss:…
Read MoreAnxious, anxiety, worry, nervous, stress. People use these terms often and may not realize that an anxiety disorder does not feel the same as the unease that most people experience occasionally. If you have an anxiety disorder you know that you are not having occasional nagging worries. If you are anxious, it’s not…
Read MoreI was a graduate student when I first heard Kristin Neff (pioneer in the field of self-compassion) speak. I remember being blown away by this concept of being kind towards yourself. As a student I had a crazy schedule, juggling two labs, three clinical sites, a dissertation, and classes. I felt the need to always…
Read MoreKids listen. They hear things and interpret things in ways we may not as adults. This week my sweet son let me know he was not opening his stocking on Christmas. I waited until he felt like telling me why and it came out that he was afraid that Santa was going to give…
Read MoreWe have anywhere from 50,000-80000 thoughts in a day. That is way too many thoughts to keep track of. So many of our thoughts pass through without us noticing. But we cannot believe every thought we have. There are so many untrue thoughts or unhelpful thoughts that we accept because we just…
Read MoreWeb MD, healthline, mayoclinic and other sites like these can be helpful in deciding when to visit a doctor or deciding treatment for mild concerns. If you have anxiety though, you may experience panic and fear when googled symptoms are ‘consistent’ with severe illnesses. You can spend hours on the internet convinced that…
Read MoreIf you struggle with anxiety, the holiday season can be a time of high stress. There are gifts to buy, decorations to hang, traditions to follow, and people to please. This can lead to worries and tension about doing things ‘right’. This desire to do things ‘right’ is mentally and physically exhausting. …
Read MoreWe most commonly hear about stress being bad and to be avoided. It actually turns out stress can be useful in specific, time limited situations – and an unavoidable part of life. As the year winds down, many of us have looming projects and deadlines that create stress: Final exams, annual sales goals and reports…
Read MoreNot all thoughts are positive and that’s okay. A mistake people make when they try to challenge thoughts is to just think rosy positive thoughts. “I’ll do perfectly on my presentation” “I’ll be totally fine while driving” “Today is going to be the best day ever” While some people enjoy mantras or manifesting good things…
Read MoreA lot of metaphors around anxiety use water. Waves, rivers, ocean currents, rainstorms… When we talk about these natural elements, we can understand the lack of control. Most people have heard stories about fighting against ocean currents and the need to swim parallel. Many people have ridden down a river and…
Read MoreI get the question often about whether a person’s anxiety is “bad enough” to seek treatment. Even if it is mild, it is worth treating! You are worth treating! It can be hard to dedicate time to mental health, but it may be a time saver in the future.…
Read MoreHere is a story to give you a sense of the intensity of flight/flight. We were living in a two-story town home with a large sliding glass door that opened into a common grassy area. It’s around 3am. Pitch black. My partner and I are both asleep upstairs. We hear…
Read MoreHave you ever had that friend who constantly asks to borrow things, asks for a ride, asks for cash, asks for a favor, but they never reciprocate? If you keep saying ‘yes’, you end up feeling used, frustrated, and exhausted. Anxiety is a taker. And the way to break out is by saying…
Read More“I need to be control of things.” “I have to make sure I have all my bases covered all the time.” “My gut is telling me that’s a bad idea.” “If that goes wrong, it’ll be horrible.” Everyday we walk around with underlying belief systems that affect how we behave, whether we are…
Read MoreImagine you fall into a river. More than anything you want to get back out at the same point you fell in. So you’re fighting, you’re going against the current, you’re getting hit by sticks and scraping your body on rocks, all to get out where fell in. But you have…
Read MoreThere is not always a direct trigger for our feelings. And sometimes the endless search for a “reason” behind a feeling turns into a hyper focus on our feelings. That can even make it feel bigger. Sometimes there isn’t a reason. Feelings come and go. The goal isn’t to dissect every feeling that…
Read More“Unprecedented” “Trying” “Uncertain” “Challenging” “Difficult” As we adjust to a “new normal”, all of the above words have been used repeatedly in advertisements, by newscasters, politicians and neighbors to describe significant shifts in our lives due to the pandemic, significant political shifts, social upheaval and even how we discuss these issues. One of the most…
Read MoreA few months ago I made a medical decision that led to a negative outcome for one of my kids. It was not life-threatening, but my anxiety clung onto the thought and intensified it. I had a several hour period where I felt incapacitated by worry. My thoughts were racing and seeking out horrible (unrealistic)…
Read MorePanic disorder and agoraphobia are associated with very strong physical and emotional experiences. If you have had a panic attack in the past, you know how overwhelming the sensations can feel. I recently read the fictional book All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr and was gripped by this powerful description of a…
Read MoreIf someone falls and gets a cut, you may get them a band aid . If someone has a headache, you may get them medicine. If someone has a sunburn, you may get them aloe vera. When we see people experiencing some sort of distress, the normal and natural response is to do something to…
Read MoreThe OC Anxiety Center has been seeing patients via tele- and videoconference, and in discussion with other medical professionals, we are preparing to open the office again within a few weeks. Based on consultation with a medical specialist, we are configuring the office to minimize the risk for both staff and patients alike: Posted protocol…
Read MorePavlov has been part of our treatment team for many years but has never gotten a proper introduction. Our golden retriever Pavlov was initially adopted by Dr. Hsia when he was a puppy in 2010 from a deploying Marine at Camp Pendleton. At that time, he was enrolled at Little Angels Service dogs to be…
Read MoreMany of the calls we receive at the OC Anxiety Center begin with “I’m anxious and depressed and I need help.” While anxiety and mood disorders are often co-occurring, treatment goals differ significantly resulting in different approaches to treatment. One question to ask yourself is “What’s the bigger problem right now?” or “If I had…
Read More“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one” ― Bruce Lee Last summer I was trying to teach my son how to swim. He was improving, and could just make it across side-to-side in the shallow end, and felt very proud (and to be honest, I felt a bit…
Read MoreThe OC Anxiety Center has been asked by different organizations to participate and/or lead in many Zoom meetings for private schools, therapist organizations and counseling centers. One of the questions that other professionals have been asking is “how has COVID affected your patients?”. Many assume that there’s a large influx of patients with the increase…
Read MoreUnprecedented events often lead to anxiety and worry, as we do not know how to respond to them. We often try to control what we can (whether actually useful or not), and over-analyze information while worrying about what the future may hold. We are seeing these patterns in our patients (and our friends and family).…
Read MoreThese past few weeks have seen the stock market crash, the stores empty of staple goods, bars and restaurants close, schools and workplaces go online. It’s unprecedented in our lifetime and many of us are unsure of how to respond or what to do that will make our families safer. As we make choices, we…
Read MoreDuring this trying time the OC Anxiety Center remains open. We are primarily seeing patients virtually, utilizing both teletherapy and HIPAA compliant video platforms to ensure your confidentiality. For some specific situations we are also seeing patients in the office but is the exception and not the rule until we are through this time. Please…
Read MoreMy son refused to finish his breakfast yesterday. Over the past two weeks, my wife and I noticed a change in his behavior in the mornings: after I sat him down for breakfast, got him started and would take the dog out for a walk, he would run upstairs to my wife, claim that he…
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